9:10 am Hours 9:30 am Divine LiturgyFellowship
5:50pm Typika
6:00pm Presanctified Liturgy
Divine Liturgy
We meet every Sunday at 19035 Plaza Drive in Parker, Colorado. Hours (prayer readings) begins at 9:10 am and the Divine Liturgy is celebrated at 9:30.
Great Vespers is the evening service, currently scheduled twice per month on Saturdays, and other dates as announced. This service begins preparation for the Divine Liturgy held the following morning. It is also an excellent learning service for visitors, catechumens, friends, family and anyone else who would like to learn more about the Orthodox faith.
Confession is available and encouraged on Saturdays after Great Vespers, as announced on the calendar. Other times can be arranged for confession by appointment with the Priest, or if necessary, prior to the Divine Liturgy.
Contact Father Alexander to make an appointment for confession
Adult learning classes and youth events are offered at various times throughout the year, as announced.
Great Feasts
In addition to regular weekly services, we observe the Twelve Great Feasts throughout the year, and have services and events at other times as well. Be sure to view the Upcoming Services section of this page.
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