Direct support to ST. TIKHON MISSION
Thank you for supporting St. Tikhon Mission. Our mission depends on the financial support from members and friends as well as your prayers.
Contributions to the General Fund using the GIVE button will provide direct support to our parish, just like adding to the basket at church. This can be for a monthly pledge or any other general contributions you would like to make. The General Fund is vital for parish operations, including rent, insurance, utilities, clergy expenses, religious supplies, and much more.
All proceeds from contributions to the Charity of the Month will be forwarded 100% to the specified charity or monastery after the end of the month. More details can be found on our Charity of the Month page.
All contributions to the Building Fund will be dedicated for a future move or expansion of the worship space and facilities at St. Tikhon Mission. Visit the Building Fund page.
To help even more, please consider increasing your donation to "cover fees" by using the checkbox in the payment screen, and/or choose the BANK method for lowest fees. Processing fees are 2.75% plus 30 cents per transaction if using credit/debit card or 1.0% plus 30 cents per transaction if you choose a direct bank draft.
You can also mail a check to St. Tikhon Mission, 19035 Plaza Drive, Parker CO 80134.
St. Tikhon Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
There are more ways you can support St. Tikhon Mission while you shop!
Go to our shopping rewards page to learn about programs offered by King Soopers / Kroger Stores and Fuel Centers, Safeway Stores and Fuel Centers.