Thank you to all who donated during the Nativity Fast 2024 Building Fund Drive, including our matching sponsors. The drive was a success - we raised $25,919, which was 104% of our goal. These funds are now included in the long-term building fund campaign shown on this page.
We continue to make progress towards the overall goal of $500,000 which will allow our parish to be well-positioned to purchase/expand property and worship space, while we grow and build the Orthodox faith in Parker, Colorado.
Because properties suitable to our current needs and future growth are very expensive in this region, our goal for the Building Fund is currently $500K. Our December building fundraiser brought in more than $25,000, and for that we are deeply grateful.
In Spiritual Transformation and Giving (Ancient Faith, 2023, p. 3), Bishop Alexei of the OCA Diocese of Alaska writes, “Mercy is the primary divine energy, activity or action that we pray the Lord God will have on us and on His world... We have what we have in order that we may be merciful stewards of God’s own mercy towards us…."
We at St. Tikhon Mission appreciate your past generosity towards and support of our work, and indeed, we can only grow with your help! So please join us in spreading the pure light of Orthodox Christianity throughout Parker and the surrounding region by continuing to donate to this fund so that we can find a larger home and grow the parish!
St. Tikhon Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Building Fund contributions can be made anytime throughout the year.
To help even more, please consider increasing your donation to "cover fees" by using the checkbox in the payment screen, and/or choose the BANK method for lowest fees. Processing fees are 2.75% plus 30 cents per transaction if using credit/debit card or 1.0% plus 30 cents per transaction if you choose a direct bank draft.
You can also mail a check to St. Tikhon Mission, 19035 Plaza Drive, Parker CO 80134 and write "Building Fund" on the memo line of your check.