Retreat and St. Anna Icon Visit - 10/26/24

St. Tikhon Mission was honored to host events throughout the weekend of October 26-27, 2024 which included a visit of the miraculous icon of St. Anna and a spiritual retreat led by Archimandrite Sergius of St. Tikhon Monastery.

The miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of St. Anna, originally commissioned on the Mount of Olives Convent in Jerusalem in 1998, normally resides at St. Tikhon Monastery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania. In the icon, St. Anna is depicted holding her young daughter, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Prayers said before this icon have brought numerous accounts of miracles. 

For the retreat, Fr. Sergius offered two sessions on “Acquiring the Mind of Christ” to compliment his series of essays covering reflections on the Divine Liturgy as life, prayer, beauty, monasticism, and the outline of a “ten-minute” prayer rule published in a volume of the same name.

Numerous divine services were held throughout the weekend along with food and fellowship, concluding Sunday afternoon. Throughout the weekend many parishioners and visitors were able to venerate the miraculous icon.